Content Marketing

One thing in particular is becoming increasingly important for a company: visibility. With a targeted content marketing strategy, your company can stand out on the market in the long term and thus increase visibility. Content must represent added value for the target group, whether it informs, advises or simply entertains. With content marketing, you build a long-term connection with your customers and open up fields to tap into new groups.

Content title image

Content for better search engine optimization

Sustainable content marketing begins with sound search engine optimization! So at the beginning of your new strategy is the inventory of the existing content and technologies, which is carried out by an SEO analysis.

Our 5-step strategy for more visibility

A solid foundation for long-term SEO success with direct consumer benefits.

Definition and analysis of the target group

The first step is to examine characteristics and consumption habits of the target group. Psychographic factors are, for example, behavioral characteristics, values and preferences of your customers. What lifestyle do they have? What moves them and why? What hobbies do they pursue in their free time? All these questions help you put yourself in your target group's shoes. Why does the customer buy? What does he buy? Which channels do they use? What influences the purchase decision? And what price can and will the target group pay?

Target group analysis

Analysis of existing content

What does your current content look like, which channels are used to play it out, and what communicative messages are you sending? These questions are at the beginning of the analysis. We also examine the competitive environment and the strategies behind it. The topic and the use of influencers can also play a role here.


Topic analysis

The basis for a topic analysis is the target group analysis, which was already identified in the previous target group analysis. What content is of interest to your users? Which topics have perhaps already been covered? And what content is still missing? These are precisely the questions we get to the bottom of.

Topic analysis

Setting goals

A concrete and specific definition of goals is essential to prevent ambiguities caused by generalizations. We therefore rely on measurable variables, both qualitative and quantitative. Targets must not only be achievable, but also contain incentives, both for the customer and for your employees. Unrealistic goals lead to frustration. A deadline, for example, provides a structure for strict adherence to goals and contributes to the measurability of results.


Optimization of content and keywords

First and foremost, high-quality website texts offer readers added value. This means that they solve the specific problem of the website visitor in as much detail as possible. In the best case, the author of the texts anticipates possible related issues that the reader may not even be aware of in advance. The texts thus provide links to possible further questions. Good website texts also fulfill other criteria:

They must be unique (unique content) and adapted to the target group and objective of the website. In addition to good research and knowledgeable content, form is also important. The texts must not contain any spelling or grammatical errors. The content should be as comprehensive as possible and provide new information. Thus, the quality control must be high. Lastly, texts should consider different points of view and follow a clear structure.

Keyword optimization

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