Corporate branding.

State of the Art? We can!
Whether logo, illustration, icon sets or branding, we deliver unique looks.

Design title image

Branding for better appearance

Whether large sporting goods companies, commercial enterprises or even supermarket chains: to stand out in the market, you need not only good products, but above all an appealing and consistent appearance. We provide you with the right branding, for a clear message that stands out from the crowd.

Sales documents


Farbfox sale document 1

You have an idea that could conquer the market and are looking for investors? With a pitch deck, you present your idea to potential investors and show them why they should invest in your company. But it's the big funders who have countless sales documents on their desk every day. And that's exactly why yours needs to stand out - not only in terms of content, but also visually.

We create pitch decks that live on individual and beautiful illustrations and quickly bring the key points to the point. We do not use standardized icons and images. With us, everything is hand-drawn.

In addition to pitch decks, it is also possible to have templates designed for internal company presentations. A professional corporate communication also includes the internal presentation. Because only if your message is understood internally, it can also be carried externally.

Our services at a glance

  • Professional pitch decks in extraordinary design
  • Development of new designs or adaptation to existing CI
  • Creation of presentation templates for internal and external communication
Farbfox sale document 2
Farbfox sale document 3


Say it with images. Icons provide more overview and structure on your homepage. We design individual icon families according to your needs.

Icon family


Coolibri Cover November 2020

The range of products on offer is getting bigger and bigger, the attention span smaller and smaller:
What counts today is to stand out quickly and stand out from the crowd.
With custom illustrations, you have the opportunity to achieve exactly this attention.
Whether it's on a magazine cover, an advertising poster, LinkedIn and Facebook banners, or even social media posts, illustrations have the power to represent more than photos and provide a lasting impression. Especially in the area of social media and web presences, there is also the possibility of animating illustrations and playing this out as short videos or gifs.

Share your idea or message with us. We will put it into the appropriate illustrative garb.

Our services at a glance:

  • Custom illustrations in any size
  • Social media templates
  • Animated short videos and gifs
Eiffel tower
Jersey motif Westfalensportmagazin

Contact us

Do you have a question? Just write us a message. We will get back to you as soon as possible.