WebdesignJan Kahmen7 min read

Static Websites: The Advantages at a Glance

Although providers like WordPress are now considered state of the art, there are now some better alternatives. One such is the static homepage, which offers you numerous advantages.

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When creating a new website, there are several technologies available to you. Although providers like WordPress are now considered state of the art, there are now some better alternatives. One such is the static homepage, which offers you numerous advantages.

Static Website vs. WordPress: These are the Differences

Generally, a distinction is made between a dynamic and a static website. A static website is usually based on classic HTML and is stored as a unit on a server. This means that you store the static internet page including text and formatting. From a technical point of view, this structure is best suited for modern requirements, as even simple browsers deliver a static homepage in a flash.

In contrast, there are the classic CMS systems, which include WordPress and Co. This is a dynamic website, whose content is assembled on demand on the server side. This works in that, for example, the layouts are stored across pages and the texts are retrieved on-demand from a database. So, unlike the static website, WordPress has to invest some time to assemble the page displayed in the browser.

Static Instead of Dynamic: The Benefits of Static Web Designs for SEO and SEA

To make a static website as appealing as possible, it's best to hire a team of experts. A professional web design can be provided by a web design agency, for example. Because only with the necessary technical knowledge it is possible to implement a profitable static website even without WordPress. Once this project is realized, you will profit from the benefits that the static website promises you:

  • All you need is a simple web server.

  • Requested content is delivered immediately and displayed particularly quickly in the browser. This eliminates long waiting times, which in turn increases customer satisfaction.

  • The high speed is in turn a decisive advantage for search engine optimization (SEO).

  • Security leaks are eliminated, provided the web design is professional.

  • Problems arising from Google updates or other trends rarely have a major impact on static websites.

  • Checking whether a static website is GDPR compliant is relatively easy - compared to the dynamic models. The reason is that it is not always obvious how the collected data is stored and used. In particular, the Content Delivery Network regularly presents website operators with challenges regarding the GDPR.

Important: In cooperation with a web design agency, it is also possible to integrate more complex dynamic elements. These include, above all, contact forms and comment functions, which are often difficult to incorporate.

Static Website Generators: The Alternative to WordPress, TYPO3 and Co.

Sophisticated web design also succeeds with a static website. In fact, there are now generators that basically work like a CMS, but without PHP and database. However, the functions here are usually limited to an absolute minimum. The following generators have proven themselves as tools for the creation of static websites:

  • Hugo

  • Jekyll

  • VuePress

  • Publii

  • Gatsby

  • Pelican

  • Metalsmith

Which system is the most suitable always depends on your individual requirements. You should check these thoroughly before selecting the tool.

1) Hugo

Hugo is based on the Go programming language. The tool originally comes from Google, but still has nothing to do with the search engine or special SEO tools. What makes this generator stand out in particular is that it is suitable for all types of websites and can handle even large projects without any problems.

2) Jekyll

Jekyll is one of the most popular generators for static websites and is based on Ruby. To realize the actual website, the generator uses CSS, HTML and Markdown. Jekyll also offers easy migration from WordPress or other systems to the new environment.

3) VuePress

VuePress is an open source JavaScript framework based on Vue.js. Experience with HTML, CSS and JavaScript is mandatory to use this generator.

4) Publii

Unlike other providers, Publii offers a graphical interface. Thus, it is a CMS without PHP, but in terms of design, it strongly resembles WorPress.

5) Gatsby

Gatsby is a generator that works by means of a technology based on React.js. Although the final web page is a static website, Gatsby offers all the possibilities of a classic CMS. A clear advantage of this is that there is a large community behind Gatsby. That's why you can find numerous explanatory videos on the web, which users can refer to if they have any questions or problems.

6) Pelican

At first glance, the Pelican website generator seems rather outdated. It looks less modern and seems to offer hardly any functionality. However, the developers are still busy improving Pelican and developing it further. It is a useful tool that convinces especially in terms of Google Lighthouse. Nevertheless, the generator is rarely used in SEO agencies, as it is mainly suitable for small projects.

7) Metalsmith

Metalsmith is also suitable for generating static websites. Metalsmith is much more than a framework, as it can be operated via plug-ins, which makes the tool extremely suitable for everyday use. Learning how to use it works best via the available tutorials and explanatory videos, but it requires a relatively large amount of effort.

Although it is possible to set up a static website on your own, it is advisable in most cases to hire a web design agency. Agencies not only have the necessary technical know-how, but can also ensure that your website complies with current data protection regulations. With our many years of expertise, we at Pulso Media are happy to be your contact for the Dortmund area.

Conclusion: This is Why it can be Worthwhile to Rely on Static Websites

A static website is not only convincing because of the improved Google Lighthouse Score. In recent years, the requirements have risen sharply due to cross-platform use. At the same time, more and more users prefer to use mobile platforms. As a result, data volume and speed have become even more of a focus. That's why many developers are now opting for the static website, not WordPress.

Deviating from the standard CMS makes sense in many ways. This is because the static website also makes it easier to synchronize with a content delivery network. Thanks to the lack of dependencies in the backend, a plus in security is also guaranteed. Of course, software developers should not disregard the security factor. In particular, the fast display of the requested content speaks in favor of the static website. However, since some programming skills are necessary for a professional design, cooperation with an agency is almost always advantageous.

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