Social MediaJacqueline Trümper5 min read

The 5 best KPIs for digital marketing analytics

Marketing campaigns can be analyzed in a targeted manner using so-called KPIs, i.e. Key Performance Indicators.

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Marketing campaigns can be specifically analyzed using so-called KPIs, i.e. Key Performance Indicators. There is a whole range of possible key performance indicators that can be used for a comprehensive analysis. However, not all KPIs are equally suitable for optimizing your own marketing strategy. We will show you which metrics are suitable for data-driven decisions.

The type of Metrics is Crucial

The SMART method is widely used to test the suitability of key performance indicators. According to this approach, all KPIs used must meet the following criteria - these are:

  • specific
  • measurable
  • achievable
  • realistic
  • time-related

5 KPIs for Better Marketing Analysis

Basically, it is possible to keep track of an infinite number of KPIs. Gathering data and facts is the least of these. The question is, what information does the data have to offer and how can it be optimally applied to web campaigns? Create a good basis for making data-driven decisions with the following KPIs.

CPL - Cost per Lead

The financing of projects of all kinds is always a key issue. After a campaign, it is possible to calculate what costs were spent per lead. Using this value, you can not only determine for your own company whether the campaign was financially successful - CPL is also an important KPI for attracting investors, for example.

Leads Generated

To determine how successful a campaign really is, a look at the actual lead generation is particularly relevant. This shows at a glance whether the set goal has actually been achieved.
Leads are all users who have provided personal data via the offered channels and have given permission for further interaction. This can be e-mail addresses, telephone numbers or even postal addresses. The larger a company's lead database, the greater the chances of success for future sales strategies.
Note: Not every lead is created equal. In order to have a realistic view of the quality of the leads, factors such as the type of target group and the context of the lead generation should be included.

Bounce Rates - Bounce Rate

Bounce rates can provide important clues to potential errors in campaigns of all types. For example, the bounce rate can reveal at which point in an order process users abandon the process or how far they move within a lead campaign. The bounce rate can often reveal whether there are also technical problems such as long loading times. This value is not only relevant when it comes to sales. News websites can use it to determine how long articles should be in order to be read completely by users.

Permanency Rate - Dwell Time

Directly related to the previous point is the length of time users stay on a website or within a campaign. This is primarily used for content optimization - is video or text content better received? Do users stay longer on the website if it has a certain visual structure? For marketing campaigns, this helps determine which content is easiest for users to interact with.

Engagement Rate in Social Media

A core area of all marketing campaigns is social media. These communication channels can be used in a variety of ways and can be individually optimized in many areas. On which platforms and for which campaigns is there the best response? To measure engagement on the platforms, data such as likes, comments or retweets are used. Here it is relevant to know the parameters of the respective platform and to interpret them correctly. Since there is also negative engagement - such as a Twitter hashtag that appears in connection with a shitstorm, it is important to look at the data in a differentiated way.

Email Marketing - Know the KPIs

For email marketing, rather specific KPIs are used. These should generally be examined for a specific time period - such as directly before, directly after or during a campaign:

  • Newsletter subscribers
  • Lost subscribers
  • Email open rate
  • Click rate from the mail

Email marketing is aimed at people who have already been in contact with the company. Therefore, it is important in the context of customer retention. It can also help to measure customer satisfaction.

Conclusion - The Best KPIs Create the Basis for Optimization

Using KPIs, it is possible to show in great detail where there are problems within campaigns and what works particularly well. Since this changes again and again, these KPIs must be

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